Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: Taking a break

Last week's weight: 173.6
This week's weight: 173.2
Difference: -0.4
Total weight lost since January 2010: 98.6

The next two weeks are guaranteed to be filled with lots of pitfalls, so I've decided that this is my last official weigh-in of 2012. I'll resume weekly weigh-ins on Friday, Jan. 4. I'd like to think that I won't gain any weight between now and then, but that's not realistic, especially since I'll be spending four days in Las Vegas.

Although I still struggle mentally every time I fail to reach a weight-loss goal, I feel good that I'm able to give myself leeway when necessary. I'm so excited about my trip to Vegas and I don't want to go completely crazy with my eating and drinking. But I also don't want to count Weight Watchers points or feel guilty for eating and drinking whatever I want.

That means I'll likely gain between now and the end of the year. I'm trying to accept that and mentally prepare myself that Jan. 4 will be the start of a new weight-loss journey for me. I don't want to think about all the weight I've lost so far and quickly or slowly I lost it. Come Jan. 4, I want to focus on losing 25 pounds from wherever I am at that point.

A quick check of my weight-loss chart shows that I didn't do nearly as well as I'd hoped during 2012. I ended 2011 at 180.4 pounds, which means I lost only 7.2 pounds this year. That's a bit depressing, but also somewhat encouraging. Clearly, I could maintain my current weight forever. I still fear that one day I'll lose complete control and regain all the weight I've lost, but I think this past year shows that I've changed my lifestyle in way that I'm not likely to regain the weight.

So I'm taking a break for the next weeks and plan to restart my journey in the new year. As with any goal, losing the last 25 pounds will take focus, commitment, dedication and determination. If I truly want to achieve my goal, I will.

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