Saturday, February 1, 2014

Baby steps are better than no steps

I didn't intend to wait an entire month before updating everyone on my progress this year. I just got busy with stuff and didn't feel like I had anything worthwhile to say.

On Jan. 1, I blogged about making this year less about the number on the scale and more about how I feel and how my clothes fit. A month in and the number on the scale is slightly better than it was Jan. 1 (down about 2 pounds), but there's no real difference in how my clothes are fitting. Most days, everything feels too tight. And that's depressing.

The good news, however, is that the size 12 skirt I'm hoping to fit into by May 1 does seem to be fitting a little better. I zipped it when I put it on this morning, but I couldn't breath or move. So it's possible I'm imagining progress because I don't want to admit defeat.

I started the month off well. Eating right and exercising regularly for the first two weeks. The second half of the month, however, wasn't good. I ate terrible foods and drank too much wine. I didn't track anything for nearly two weeks. I'm not going to get into details, but I definitely let emotional eating get the better of me.

February is a short month, so I don't have much time to make progress toward my goal. And, based on my current level of focus, I don't even feel like I have a good plan for staying on track this month. I know I have to get my eating under control, but I also feel like exercise might be more helpful in getting the skirt to fit. (It's the flabby part right around my stomach and hips that's causing the problem with my clothes not fitting.)

I don't like ending on a negative note. So, for now, I'm just going to try to remember how far I've come and be glad that despite setbacks and obstacles, I'm maintaining. I've been exactly this weight for a year. That is progress.

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