Friday, September 16, 2016

Weigh-in: Weeks 6 and 7

Sorry I skipped the blog last week. Things have been a bit hectic. And, well, the news isn't good. One month into my renewed efforts and I was feeling pretty good about my progress. I was headed out of town for two days and had agreed to a two-day hiatus. It turned into a two-week detour. I'm so disappointed in myself.

I've gained back nearly everything I lost in August. I'm now down only 1.6 pounds since I started. I have all sorts of excuses, but it mostly boils down to emotional eating, stress and lack of tracking/planning. I'm in the process of selling my house and starting construction on a new house. While it's exciting, it's so overwhelming. We're also undergoing some changes at work, which is more stressful than normal.

I've had too many days recently where I wasn't sure I could get out of the bed. Of course, I did. But then I got home from work and wanted to retreat. I went in the bedroom to change my clothes after work yesterday and ended up curling up in the bed. Stayed there just a few minutes because I knew my boyfriend would start to wonder where I was. Then he'd want to know what was wrong.

It's not one specific thing. My life feels like it;s in constant chaos. As soon as I think I have something figured out or settled, there's a new fire to put out. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt a sense of calm and relaxation. I'm not sleeping well and when I'm awake, I feel constant tension in my muscles.

So, needless to say, I'm overeating and making poor choices. All I can do at this point is recognize the missteps I've made in recent weeks and try to correct my actions. The best place to start is with planning meals for the week ahead.

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