Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: Avoidance isn't the answer

Last week's weight: 172.8
This week's weight: 175.6
Difference: +2.8
Total weight lost since January 2010: 96.2

I've spent the past two days trying to come to terms with my recent weight gain. I knew I'd gained before I ever stepped on the scale Friday morning. And a one-week gain isn't anything to be too concerned about. The problem is that I've actually gained about six pounds in the past couple of months. That scares me.

I know I haven't made the best food choices lately and I feel like I've been avoiding the problem.  What worries me most is that the binge-eating attacks seem to be happening more frequently. Of course, there are personal and professional reasons for why I might be struggling with weight loss right now. But I know long-term success requires me to learn to handle those situations without turning to food.

Maybe I'm not quite there mentally. But I am encouraged that I recognize my pitfalls and I finally feel like I'm trying to accept the mistakes I've made when it comes to using food to make me feel better.

These past two days have been extremely difficult. I feel like I've been in withdrawal. But I've managed to track everything I've eaten and drank in those two days and I've stayed within my Weight Watchers points allotment. The hardest moment came at dinner out with friends, when I really wanted to order a cheeseburger and dark specialty beer. I forced myself to get a salad, which turned out to be delicious, and a light beer. Then I reminded myself that not every dinner out is a reason to splurge. At the movies after dinner, I bought nothing because I wasn't hungry.  Realizing that is how I was so successful in the beginning of my weight loss journey. That was a huge mental win.

I don't know if I can maintain this pace, but I bought nothing but healthy foods at the grocery store today. That should help me stay on track this week. And now on day three, I'm starting to feel the sugar cravings lessen a bit. Physically and mentally, I feel better and prepared to make the right choices this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherry, Maybe you should start making your low-cal sweets again. That seems to help. They certainly help ME!! lol
    Seriously though, you can do this - I know you can. And I'm very proud of you - especially for realizing what's going on. Now you can form a game plan and make it work.
