Monday, December 9, 2013

Taking back control

Something I wrote in yesterday's blog post has convinced me that it's time for a change. I noted that by nature I tend to analyze a problem in my head until I find a solution. Sometimes, this requires constant focus. Other times, it takes a distraction for me to see the light.

Today was the last day of my four-day staycation. I planned to spend it cleaning the house and doing laundry. I did some of that, but I also spent about three hours reading. Immersing myself in someone else's world has helped me remember that how I feel about myself, the food I eat and the amount of exercise I do are all choices I make.

I am the only one who can control these things. And it's time I start doing just that if I intend to continue making progress. My journey started almost four years ago and it's one I will be on for the rest of my life. Instead of feeling weighed down by this, I should be excited that I now have the ability to control my weight. In turn, that has given me greater control over my entire life.

Mental strength is a big part of what it will take for me to get back on my successful path. But it will also take physical strength. I've used every excuse out there to convince myself that joining a gym wouldn't work for me. Fear of the unknown is probably the biggest hurdle. I met a fitness consultant this weekend who operates a studio where she offers small group classes just for women.

I emailed her today and now I'm meeting with her tomorrow for my one-on-one consultation. I don't know if I will sign up for her classes, but admitting that I can't do it on my own feels like a victory. Plus, I know that physical activity makes me feel better and makes me happier.

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