Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: Right where I want to be

Last week's weight: 173.2
This week's weight: 171.6
Difference: -1.6
Total weight lost since January 2010: 100.2

I was disappointed with last week's weigh-in and now I'm pleasantly surprised this week. That just goes to show, once again, that I am on a journey for life and I shouldn't get too upset from week to week.

After gaining nearly 5 pounds during my vacation to Asheville, I set a goal of getting back to the 100 pounds lost mark before heading out for another vacation on July 4. And I did it! There's something about being at that point that makes me feel better about letting go while on vacation.

Of course, I'm still going to try to make smart choices, but I'm also not going to worry about eating s'mores over a camp fire or having a few beers. I'll probably gain 5 pounds again. So what? This is how I imagine the rest of my life being ... gain a few pounds, lose a few pounds.

To reach my ultimate goal, I want to lose 20 more pounds. But I'm realistic about how long that might take because my goal is to do it while enjoying my life. A year? Two years? Does it really matter how long it takes? I'm a size 12, which is the smallest I've been since the seventh grade. I eat healthier and I exercise more than I ever have in my life. And I feel good.

So I think I'm right where I want to be ... for now.

1 comment:

  1. And you look BEAUTIFUL! If you never lose another pound, you are PERFECT just the way you are ... And a constant inspiration to others -- including your dear, old ex-boss ;-)
