Friday, September 16, 2011

Weekly weigh-in: Maintaining

Last week's weight: 189
This week's weight: 186.8
Difference: -2.2
Total weight lost since January 2010: 85

As has been the case for pretty much this entire year, I'm hovering around the 85-pounds-lost mark. I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record. I gain a little. I lose a little.

In the grand scheme of things, that's OK. As I've said before, I'm much healthier and happier. I still have my ultimate goal in mind, but I'm just not in a place mentally to be as diligent as I need to be to reach that goal.

I had a real test this week of my new-found fitness. I'm participating in a leadership group that had about 35 of us trekking all over downtown Wilmington Tuesday. We walked block after block and up and down more stairs than I probably have in my entire life. Once or twice, I struggled to keep up with the group, but I pushed myself. (My legs are still sore.)

What I realized is that two years ago, I wouldn't have been able to do it. And I would have felt so ashamed for not being able to walk along with the class. In fact, I probably would have decided to simply not participate at all for fear that it would include things I wasn't capable of.

So the scale isn't saying what I want yet, but I do still see signs of progress. And that's enough for now.

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