Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: Overboard again

Last week's weight: 173.8
This week's weight: 174.8
Difference: +1
Total weight lost since January 2010: 97

I had another setback this week. And, instead of immediately correcting my bad habits, I allowed myself to go overboard Friday and Saturday. I knew it was wrong when I bought the pizza Friday night, but somehow I couldn't stop myself. I felt guilty, yet satisfied, while eating it. Well, I ate half Friday and intended to trash the rest on Saturday. Of course, I didn't, finishing off the other half in one sitting.

I woke up today thinking about the bad choices I've been making lately. With a surprising burst of energy, I then spent three hours working in the yard. I've got quite a few sore muscles now because lifting bags of mulch isn't easy. (As an aside, a nice couple parked next to me at Lowe's said I should get my husband/boyfriend to unload the car and spread the mulch. I know they were just being friendly, but I don't really need anymore reminders that I'm single!)

The physical activity was good for me and it gave me a lot of time to clear my head. Oh, and staying busy has stopped me from eating too much today. While thinking today, I've gone from one end of the spectrum to other when it comes to assessing my progress and my goals. I want to understand what causes me to snap and return to my bad habits from time to time, especially since I know how hard it will be to get back on track.

I also spent a lot of time thinking about getting older. My birthday is this coming Friday and I'm going to be 39 years old. That seems old to me because I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. And I'm in better shape than I've been since I was a kid. This is the first year I can remember being stressed about turning another year older.

I didn't really come up with any answers or conclusions, but I did decide that maybe it's time to set new goals ... one week at a time. Here are mine for this week:

1. Don't exceed my daily Weight Watchers points total unless I exercise enough to gain activity points.
2. Eat more vegetables. I'm hoping to trade veggies for fruit because I think I've been eating too much fruit. Technically, fruit is points free, but I think the sugar in fruit, although natural, still causes my body to want to eat more sugar.
3. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
4. Don't eat foods I didn't plan on eating. That means resisting temptation at the office when someone brings in cupcakes or candy or cookies or anything else.
5. Do one thing each day that I can look back on at the end of the day as something that made me happy.

Wish me luck!

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