Saturday, September 29, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: A little better

Last week's weight: 173.6
This week's weight: 173.2
Difference: -0.4
Total weight lost since January 2010: 98.6

I'm glad I lost a little bit of the weight I gained last week, but I'm still frustrated and disappointed with my eating this past week. For two straight weeks, I haven't kept track of my food and the scale shows it. I did better this week because I didn't binge eat or go overboard. I did, however, eat too much junk food, including lots of mini candy bars at work. I also exercised almost every day this week, so that helped.

I really feel like I've been heading in the wrong direction. I've said it before, but maintaining my weight lost (and losing 20 more pounds) requires constant attention. I have to plan everything I eat and drink. Otherwise, I consume too much or the wrong foods.

I'm trying not to let it stress me out, but I'll be in DC next weekend and I have family visiting me the weekend after that, which means I'll likely be eating and drinking more than normal. The thought of gaining more than I already have in the past couple of weeks scares me. I looked back this morning at my weight tracker for the past year. I've lost only 15 pounds total. That's pretty frustrating since I lost only 20 pounds in the year before that. Realizing how slow my progress has been is disappointing, especially when I lost 50 pounds in the first six months of my journey.

The only time I lose now is when I'm very strict about what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. And I spend most of those weeks feeling like I'm starving. I start to wonder if it's worth it. But then I try on clothes and realize how close I am to being a size 10. Just a few pounds (OK, maybe 10) and I'll be there. I want to get there. So I keep trying.

That brings me to the start of a new week (remember, my weight loss week starts on Friday). I tracked everything I ate and drank yesterday and I went over by just one Weight Watchers point. That's a good day. And I've started today right. I guess that's all I can do at this point.

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