Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: Old vs. new

Last week's weight: 173.6
This week's weight: 172
Difference: -1.6
Total weight lost since January 2010: 99.8

I've written in the past about the old me versus the new me. For some time now, though, I really haven't seen myself that way. I started this journey almost three years ago and it's been almost two years since I lost the bulk of the weight. That's when my life completely changed and during that first year I transformed into a different person.

But now I am who I am. I may not have completely let go of the person who weighed 271.8 pounds, but I'm trying really hard. And I think it's time for others to try as well. I am not the same person I was three years ago. For the most part, I think I've changed for the better, especially since I can honestly say I'm a happier person.

Part of my motivation throughout this process has been remembering just how difficult life was when I weighed 100 pounds more than I do now. I was a pretty miserable person and a big reason is that I felt bad all the time. I didn't realize it at the time, but now I see it so clearly. The old me doesn't exist anymore and I don't want to be that person anyway. For people who knew me then, that can be difficult to accept. I understand that, but it's time to accept me for who I am now.

I was just thinking recently about how many of my friends didn't know me before I lost the weight. Of course they all now about my journey and they've been super supportive and encouraging. But they didn't know my personality back then. Maybe that makes it easier for them to appreciate the person I am now.

Anyway, the point is that I've changed. I still struggle from time to time, but I'm generally a much more assertive and outgoing person now. Don't get me wrong. I'm still an introvert and value time alone (which is why I'm sitting at home writing my blog on a Friday night). But I genuinely enjoy meeting new people and socializing, which is something  never wanted to do before. For better or worse, the old me is gone.

The new me is the real me. I apologize to those who may have liked the old me better. I'm not ever going to be that person again. I like the new me and being happy with myself is an important step in my journey.

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