Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: Tired of trying

Last week's weight: 173
This week's weight: 174.2
Difference: +1.2
Total weight lost since January 2010: 97.6

If I'm being honest, the number on the scale wasn't as bad as I expected. Based on the amount of junk food and candy I ate this past week, I fully expected to gain even more. And I exercised only once. So gaining about a pound isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things.

Still, I just wish making the right choices wasn't so hard. I know what I should eat and how much I should eat and I've actually grown to like a lot of healthy foods. So why do I still feel the need to eat half a dozen mini candy bars? Or to gorge on a bag of potato chips?

Sometimes I get so tired of having to be so vigilant. But I also know it's the only way for me to be successful. Six months from tomorrow, I will turn 40 years old. I don't feel that old and thinking about it is a bit depressing. I've decided I want to give myself something to celebrate, so my new objective is to reach my goal weight 150 to 155 pounds before my birthday.

I will need to lose about a pound a week, which seems impossible at this point. And I'm a little worried that it's too ambitious. Turning 40 will be hard enough. What if I don't reach my goal by then? Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I have to at least try.

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