Saturday, April 6, 2013

Couch to 5K: Week 2, Day 2

Trying to run isn't getting any easier, but I'm proud I haven't given up. In fact, I bought new tennis shoes today ... ones specifically designed for running. They cost a lot, but I could tell a big difference when I circling the park this afternoon. My feet felt lighter. Unfortunately, the rest of me wasn't, so I've veered off the iPhone app a little.

My bursts of running last only about 45 seconds, not the one minute necessary during the first week of the program much less the minute and a half necessary for week two. I have no idea if what I'm doing is making a difference but the muscles in my legs are sore and I can even tell that I'm using more muscles in my stomach and arms. Sounds like progress to me.

For today's training session, I decided to start the app over, which meant five minutes of walking, one minute of running, one and a half minutes of walking (repeated for six times) then five minutes of walking. Like I said, I couldn't quite do a full minute of running but, to compensate, I did the full routine twice. Interestingly, I ran just slightly longer during the running parts on the second lap. Of course, I'm now ready for a few ibuprofen (and maybe a glass of wine).

Also, I now have proof that my scale hates me. I was crushed yesterday when I'd lost so little (just a half pound) after feeling like I ate so well all week. My frustration led to a bit of splurging at dinner. And I even had a little dessert. So imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning (not my official weigh-in day) and the number was down almost two pounds from yesterday. Why couldn't the scale have just been down two pounds yesterday? Because it's evil! Seriously, though, I didn't let last night's indulgence spread into today. Instead, I've returned to my healthy eating. And I feel so good!

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