Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekly weigh-in: Being judged

Last week's weight: 180
This week's weight: 179.6
Difference: -0.4
Total weight lost since Jan. 1, 2013: 1.8

For the record, I weighed in a day early this past week (Thursday instead of Friday) because I was going to be out of town Friday morning. The result was good, and I was happy I'd exercised almost daily. The bad part about the week is that I felt like I was constantly being judged by others.

Without getting into specifics, let me just say that I've had a lot of moments recently that have shaken my self-confidence. Whether it's worrying about how I look on a given day or hearing a friend basically ridicule me for my insecurities, this past week has led to a lot of negative thinking.

I don't like it, but I don't know how to stop it. It doesn't help that since I weighed in Thursday morning, I've done nothing but eat foods that aren't good for me, which likely means a weight gain this week. I'm trying to make today the day that I end the backsliding. But, even as I type this, I'm thinking about going to the grocery store to get the ingredients to make cupcakes. Ugh!

What's worse about how I'm feeling right now is that I know it doesn't have to be this way. I am in control of my choices and my feelings. So I'm frustrated that I'm letting the opinion of others get to me. That's not the kind of person I want to be.

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