Friday, March 29, 2013

Weekly weigh-in: Yikes! Nothing fits anymore

Last week's weight: 179.6
This week's weight: 181.8
Difference: +2.2
Total weight lost since January 2010: 90 pounds

As expected, this week's weigh-in was terrible. In fact, I'm going to be honest and admit that I seriously considered changing my weigh-in day to Thursday. That's because when I weighed yesterday morning, the scale said 179.6. I was excited because I knew I'd eaten all sorts of bad foods in the past week and staying the same would have been amazing.

The real eyeopener came when I was getting dressed this morning. I'm willing it to get warmer, so I've started wearing some of my spring clothes. Imagine my horror when not one, but two, pairs of size 12 capri pants from last year didn't fit this morning. I felt like hiding in my closet all day. As I drove to work, I really thought about how I've gotten to this point and what I need to do to stop the weight gain. I don't have all the answers, but changing my weigh-in day is not the answer.

First, I know I have to simply stop eating so much ... and so much junk food. The first test has already arrived. A co-worker brought doughnuts to work this morning. Then someone brought in candy and shortbread bars. I brought fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast. So far, I've resisted. But I really think a counter full of delicious treats might be too much to bear.

I also know I need to keep track. This is the one thing that has worked without fail.When I don't keep track, I eat too much. Today is the start of a new week. So it's yet another chance for me to use the online Weight Watchers tool to track my food and drinks.

Finally, I must exercise more. Walking is definitely a good start. But I need to step it up and be more consistent. So I've officially agreed to participate in a 5K at the end of May. I doubt I'll be able to run the entire thing by then, but two months is more than enough time build up my stamina so I don't embarrass myself.

In summary, I need to eat better, keep track and exercise. Sounds simple. Right?

BTW, I've decided to go back to tracking my total weight lost since I began this journey. I need the constant reminder that I have lost 90 pounds, which is an amazing accomplishment in the grand scheme of things.

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