Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekly weigh-in: Am I doomed to fail?

Last week's weight: 179.8
This week's weight: 180.4
Difference: +0.6
Total weight lost since Jan. 1, 2013: 1 pound

It seems that no matter what I do, I simply can't find my way back to my healthy eating habits. I made it four straight days this past week and then I fell right off the cliff. And once I was over the edge, I felt myself giving up. So now I've had six bad days in a row.

I'm trying to change my mindset by planning meals and snacks. But that didn't stop me from buying a small pack of Oreos at the grocery store this morning and eating all 8 cookies already today. Even now, I'm struggling to convince myself to make the healthy balsamic chicken with tomatoes and artichokes I planned for dinner. It would be so much easier to order pizza.

The hopelessness associated with not losing weight is affecting me in other ways as well. Since the start of the new year, I've barely done any socializing. There have been a few outings, but then I retreat into the solitude of my house for days (except for going to work, which is sort of necessary to pay my bills). And, of course, sitting at home in front of the TV just leads to more snacking.

Why can't I stop? I'm starting to feel like I'm doomed to fail. I made it three years, which included a lot of emotional hurdles. Was my success just a matter of will power? If so, why can't I summon it again? I truly felt like I'd made lifestyle changes I'd live with the rest of my life. What's changed? Why am I returning to my old habits?

1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you why - I'm not there!! ;-)Yes yes, tooting my own horn doesn't help you. But I'm back now - cyberly, anyway. *hug*
