Friday, April 22, 2011

Weekly weigh-in: Disappointed, but not deterred

Last week's weight: 191
This week's weight: 191
Difference: 0
Total weight lost: 80.8

I was hoping for better this week. I had a few splurges, but nothing crazy. And I walked a total of 15 miles, which is a lot more exercise than I've been doing. I can already tell a difference in how some of my clothes are fitting. So I really expected to have lost a little bit. Based on the past couple of months, though, I guess staying even should be considered a success. The good news is really that I've had two weeks in a row where my eating has been much more balanced. And I've been seriously focused on making progress. The determination I felt a year ago seems to have returned. I won't let this week's weigh-in drag me down for too long. I'll just have to do better this next week. Simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're getting back on track. Stay Focused. I know you can do this.

