Monday, August 15, 2011

Falling apart at the seams

It's been one of those days. You know, the kind where nothing seems to work out right. Every time I solved one problem, another one popped up. Nothing major. Just lots of little annoyances. I decided I would walk away my bad mood when I got home from work.

That's when I discovered my tennis shoes are falling apart at the seams. (I bet you thought this post was going to be about something else.) For weeks, I've been walking early in the morning. It's usually still dark in my house when I put on my shoes, so I guess that's my I hadn't noticed.

On the inside of both feet, apparently my heel rubs the shoe. Or I guess the shoe rubs my heel. The material is completely worn through and there's actually a hole in the seam in both shoes. Naturally, I just put them on anyway and headed out for my walk.

I noticed that the worn spots are exactly where my heels tend to hurt. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I need new shoes. I already knew that because my current tennis shoes are a size bigger than I normally wear these days, but I didn't want to spend the money so I just kept lacing them up tight. Now, I know I have to.

Obviously, if I'm going to be serious about walking/jogging, I need shoes that fit properly. I have no idea what that includes. I'm hoping some nice salesperson will be able to help me. I'm going to try to go after work tomorrow.

On a related note, seeing the holes in my shoes reminded me of my all-time favorite movie -- Joe Versus the Volcano. Near the beginning, Joe notices that the sole of his shoe is falling off and he says: "I'm losing my sole." Of course, he's really talking about his soul.

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