Tuesday, August 9, 2011

No one to blame but myself

I think I'm going to just call this the lost week. I tried so hard to get back on track after this weekend's backsliding, but I couldn't do it. I totally caved today and ate a huge amount of Thai fried rice for lunch. Seriously, it was more points than I'm allowed for the whole day. It would have been OK had I not gone so overboard this weekend. Put the two together and Friday's weigh-in is going to be a disaster. I actually made the mistake of getting on the scale when I got home today. Ugh! Not a pretty sight.

But I want to be clear. Although I might jokingly say someone talked me into indulging in something unhealthy, I made the choice. No one else is to blame for my decisions. And others should never feel bad for the choices they make around me. I might hate when someone brings cookies into the office, but it's my choice to eat them.

I don't believe in blaming others for my problems just like I don't believe in making excuses for failure. People have often told me I expect too much of myself and others. Seriously? How else do you achieve your goals if you don't have high expectations? Anyway, my point is that I am responsible for myself and my actions. And I can whine and complain all I want about how I was sad or frustrated or unhappy and that made me eat bad foods. But that's no excuse.

So I'm giving up on this week. Yes, it's been a setback. Yes, I'm regret all of the bad things I've eaten. Yes, I'm going to be depressed about gaining weight this week. But I'm not going to let it be a long-term problem. I'm not giving up.


  1. Don't give up. I've never NOT struggled to make good choices. It's a lifelong thing.

    I don't know if I've shared my favorite WW inspiration blogs, but if I haven't, here they are. These are women who, like me, constantly struggle despite the outward appearance of success.


    Hang in there. No week is a lost week.

  2. Thanks a lot. I will make sure I check them out.
