Monday, August 8, 2011

Rallying the troops

This weekend's backsliding caused me to wake up this morning feeling kind of blue. I dragged myself out of bed for walking/jogging, but it was so hot and humid that I mostly walked. And I did only two laps around my neighborhood instead of my usual three.

But I was determined to get back on track today. I've done well with my eating -- oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch (it did have bacon bits and a little feta cheese), cucumbers and carrots with hummus for snack, tortellini and broccoli for dinner. Oh, and a watermelon slushie.

I got to thinking this evening about how I felt better. I know I can't undo the damage this weekend's eating did (so I expect to have gained weight come this Friday), but I was reminded today that I shouldn't let minor setbacks cause me to lose sight of my goal.

I feel like there's been a shift in my mindset today. The voices that were shouting: "Give up!" have been quieted. Instead, I'm seeing that this is just a bump in the road. I'll get past it eventually.

I've also decided to bring back the happy list. For those new to my blog, this is a list I started last summer where I noted five things each day that made me happy that day. I probably won't blog about them every day this time, but I do intend to at least make the mental list each night.

Here's today's list:

1. I had a lovely lunch with my boss. It was a good chance to catch up and she's the one who reminded me not to let a few obstacles derail me.

2. I got several compliments on my new shoes. I bought them Saturday at Target even though I have no business spending money right now. But I loved them ... and it turns out they're really comfortable -- for heels.

3. I got caught up on several items on my to-do list. Of course, there's always more work to be done, but it feels nice to have a few things marked off.

4. I made a change in how we do things at work that made one of my employees happy. As usual, I'm not going into detail about work, but it felt good to see how excited the person was about the change.

5. I ate well and exercised for 30 minutes. I could have done better on both counts, but I am happy at the effort I made today.

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