Friday, November 11, 2011

Weekly weigh-in: A big surprise

Last week's weight: 186.4
This week's weight: 184.4
Difference: -2
Total weight lost since January 2010: 87.4

Wow. I couldn't believe my eyes when I stepped on the scale this morning. In fact, I weighed three times just to be sure. But the number was the same. After a week that included lots of pizza, a few beers and more desserts than normal, I thought I might have gained weight. Of course, I weigh every day. As of yesterday, I thought maybe I'd at least stay the same. I tried to counteract the excesses with exercise and lots of water. I guess it worked.

What I'm most proud of (just like last week) is that even when I went overboard, I made fairly decent choices. For example, on the pizza day, I had one piece with all the meats and the other slices were cheese. Trust me, I could have eaten the entire meat pizza. On Thursday, lunch out at Flaming Amy's could have been a disaster. Instead, I opted for a salad with grilled chicken. I used a tiny bit of the thai peanut dressing, but then I topped the salad with different kinds of salsa. It was delicious. I missed the chips a little, but I certainly had plenty to eat.

My next challenge, though, is getting through the next 10 days without overeating. It's much easier for me to control my eating when I'm at work. So I'm a little worried that my 10-day staycation could be a problem, but I'm at least thinking about it and going to try to stick with my plan. I'm also hoping to get in a lot of exercise ... which might include a lot of walking around the mall.

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