Friday, November 4, 2011

Weekly weigh-in: I feel good

Last week's weight: 187.8
This week's weight: 186.4
Difference: -1.4
Total weight lost since January 2010: 85.4

Two good weeks in a row. I'm trying not to get too excited. I still have 1.6 pounds to lose just to get to my lowest weight since I started this journey. But after weeks of going up one week and down the next and then feeling like I was gaining overall, I'm thrilled to have lost weight two weeks in a row. It sure makes me feel good and like I'm doing something right for a change.

The truth is that I haven't made the best choices this week. I had a meatball sub, wine, pizza and too much Halloween candy. But I also rode my exercise bike A LOT. I kept track of everything I ate and every Weight Watchers point. I ended up using all of my weekly points and all of my activity points, but I ended the week dead even ... and I lost weight.

The best part is that the exercise is making me feel so good. I've been reminded how much easier it is to deal with stress and others' negativity when I'm in a good place. And even though it's only been a few days, I'm starting to feel like I did during the summer of 2010. During those few months, I was genuinely happy. I woke up ready to handle each day. I'm almost back to that point.

The differences I talked so much about back then are starting to show again. I'm excited by new experiences and I find joy in simple things. It's difficult to explain exactly what I mean. But those who've experienced this feeling will know what I'm talking about. And you also know that the feeling is addictive. To put it simply, I feel good about being me.

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