Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Staying the course

I'm feeling a bit discouraged this morning because my mid-week weigh-in says I've gained nearly two pounds since Friday. How is that possible? Yes, I indulged a little on New Year's Eve, but I've been eating right and exercising all of the other days.

As a result, I was tempted to skip the exercise bike this morning. I dropped a can of artichokes on my big toe yesterday and it was throbbing. I strained a muscle in my shoulder. And I woke up with a runny nose. Combined with the number I saw on the scale, those all seemed like good reasons to be a slug this morning.

Instead, I made myself egg whites with spinach and parmesan cheese and a side of fruit for breakfast. That gave me a little burst of energy, so I did four miles on my bike. I'm glad now even though I do seem to be experiencing more aches and pains than normal.

I know that this journey is about long-term weight loss, so a slight gain here and there shouldn't be a big deal. The real key to success is maintaining healthy eating and exercise habits and they will pay off in the long run. I just hate when I feel like I'm trying really hard and then I don't see results. That makes sticking with it that much harder.

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