Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: What's normal?

Last week's weight: 172.2
This week's weight: 172.8
Difference: +0.6
Total weight lost since January 2010: 99 pounds

I'm not surprised by the weight gain this week. I had several moments of weakness, including a giant chocolate chip cookie and a jumbo-sized bag of potato chips. I'm not going to dwell on it. I'll just try to do better this week.

I had two strange moments during the week. One came when I saw a photo someone had taken of me and I felt like I didn't even recognize myself. This happens fairly regularly, especially if it's a big group of people. I find myself studying the photo and wondering if that's what I really look like. I typically like what I see in the photo, but it's not the imagine in my head. I wonder if that will ever change?

The second odd encounter was when a woman I had just met told me I look "normal." I don't exactly remember what prompted me to tell her about my weight loss (but I do talk about it a lot). She was immediately excited to tell me that she, too, has lost weight with Weight Watchers. We started comparing stories about our journeys. Then she leaned in and said, "I know you'll understand what I'm about to tell you. You look normal." At first, it felt like a compliment. But then it started bothering me. What does normal look like? I know she meant it in the nicest way. Losing as much weight as I have is a major accomplishment and people genuinely seem excited for me.

Anyway, both moments struck me this week because they are about my self imagine. As the three-year anniversary of the start of this journey approaches, I worry that I'll never be able to truly see how much I've changed. And I also struggle with the realization that no matter how much progress I make, it's still very easy to slip back into old habits.

1 comment:

  1. I think she means you don't look like a formerly-fat person. You know, saggy baggy. You look like you've always been about the size you are now. It's a compliment.
