Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: It's a wash

Last week's weight: 173.8
This week's weight: 172.2
Difference: -1.6
Total weight lost since January 2010: 99.6

The past two weeks have been somewhat of a blur. I've been working a ton and feel like I've barely had time to stop and think. That means I haven't been very diligent about monitoring what I eat and I've gotten in very little exercise. So I guess it's no surprise that I gained last week, but I lost this weight. And I'm right back where I was two weeks ago.

Once again, this is just proof that even when life gets in the way, I can maintain my weight loss. I've had a lot of opportunity in the past two days to talk about myself and how I operate. The biggest thing I realized is just how different I am today than I was three years ago. My entire thought process and approach to life has changed.

I often feel like I'm not very confident. But someone I consider a role model told me today that I'm a lot more confidant than I give myself credit for. I'm glad I come across as confident ... even if I may not always feel that way on the inside.

What I also noticed during my discussions this week is just how more positive I am now than I used to be. I'm still realistic and not one to sugar coat things, but I'm much more able to see the possibilities that lie ahead and to handle uncertainty.

The moral of the story this week: I feel good about myself.

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