Saturday, January 5, 2013

New year, new start

Starting weight: 181.4
This week's weight: 178.4
Difference: -3
Total weight lost since Jan. 2, 2013: 3 pounds

A few weeks ago, I decided to take a break from my weekly weigh-ins because of the holidays and because I was taking a trip to Las Vegas. I hoped not weighing in would make me feel less guilty about overindulging. Apparently, it worked. I gained about 10 pounds.

Once I returned from vacation, I had trouble resuming my healthy eating habits. In fact, it took me four days to get back on track. When Jan. 1 arrived, though, I was determined. I weighed in that morning at 181.4 pounds. And I've decided that will be my new starting point.

Obviously, I'm very proud of the weight I've lost since I began this journey in January 2010. Three years ago this week, I stepped on the scale and weighed 271.8 pounds. I wore a size 22/24 and now I'm comfortably a size 12. I don't want to forget about all I've accomplished in the past three years, but I feel like it's time to let that part of my journey go.

I've pretty much maintained my current weight (give or take a few pounds) for two years, which means I could probably maintain it for the rest of my life. But I haven't reached my goal. I'd like to lose about 30 pounds, which would put my weight at between 150 and 155 pounds. Given my height (5'6"), I'd end up being a size 8 most likely.

I'm going to continue my weekly weigh-ins on Fridays. As you can see from this week, I lost three pounds in three days by being very strict. I also plan to continue following the Weight Watchers program. Tracking everything I eat has resulted in the most success, so I know that's essential. Finally, I really hope to increase my physical activity this year. I've gotten a lot of advice about what might be the most effective, but I'm still tentative and unsure of how I want to proceed. In the meantime, I plan to continue with walking and riding my exercise bike on a regular basis. Something's better than nothing.

I'm not setting a specific timeframe for achieving my goal. I've been disappointed too many times already when I haven't reached it. Instead, I'm going to try setting specific weekly goals, not about weight loss but about the process. For example, my goal for this week is to actually track every single thing I eat and drink -- no excuses.

Even though it's been three years, I still remember how overwhelmed I felt when I began this journey. I truly had no idea I'd be where I am today. I'm so much healthier and happier. Wish me luck in the new year.

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