Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekly weigh-in: I can't stop snacking

Last week's weight: 179.6
This week's weight: 177.8
Difference: -1.8
Total weight lost since Jan. 1, 2013: 3.6 pounds

I haven't been in such a bad place mentally about my weight loss in quite some time. I don't fully understand what's going on. I have no desire to exercise ... at all. And I just keep eating and eating. Of course, I'm glad I lost a little this week, but I'm pretty sure I've already gained it all back this weekend. And I'm a long way from where I was just a few months ago.

My biggest downfall in the past month has been the snacking between meals. I've done fairly well with eating healthy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But in between, I can't stop snacking. Candy, cookies, pretzels, Wheat Thins, cheese, etc. I try making healthy snacks, but I just eat those in addition to the bad stuff.

It's frustrating. I think about it all the time. I don't like the habits I'm developing and I definitely don't like the weight gain I've experienced. But I don't know how to stop.

And my missteps of late are severely affecting my body image. Just when I thought I was starting to see how far I've come, I now constantly see all my flaws and that just makes me feel worse. I'm worried that there are too many days where I don't want to get out of the bed much less leave the house.

1 comment:

  1. Sherry, I think this is extremely NORMAL, this roller coaster of emotions you're on. I experience it myself, and have given into the feelings, the cravings and the vicious cycle those things have a way of feeding (no pun intended - ha!). I won't give you any advice since you know what's best for you. Just know that you've inspired a lot of people through your honest journey. You should be very proud!!
