Sunday, October 23, 2011

Time to move

As you know, I spend a lot of time trying to figure out why I'm no longer finding success at losing weight. The first six months of 2010, the weight came off so easily. What I don't understand is how and what I was doing differently then.

But, once again, find myself thinking that I must figure it out. The numbers in the past three months aren't good -- I've gained 4 pounds.

After Friday's meltdown, I was resolved to do better. Saturday went well. I went over my daily Weight Watchers points allotment by 1 point, which is no big deal. But I'm having a much harder time today. My eating has been fine -- an omelet for breakfast, chicken chili and a few tortilla chips for lunch and a smoothie and lowfat brownie for snacks. The problem came when I decided to have two beers while watching football.

The only saving grace is that I am trying to exercise more to make up for the extra calories. I spent the morning cleaning house and then 20 minutes on my exercise bike. I've even moved the bike back into the house from the garage.

My new goal is to bike 30 minutes every morning before work. I really enjoy exercising before work and I find that I feel better all day when I do. I was walking but now it's too dark that early. So maybe the exercise bike will at least keep me moving during the dark, cold days of winter.

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