Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekly weigh-in: Off the deep end

Last week's weight: 188
This week's weight: 190
Difference: +2
Total weight last since January 2010: 81.8

For much of the week, I really tried. I even did well four of the seven days. But the other three days were a complete disaster. I tried not to make the worst choices those three days, but even the "better" choices were terrible. I had high hopes that exercise over the weekend and early in the week would be enough to counteract the calories. But I knew that wasn't really likely.

Why'd I make those choices? One day was because I simply felt I deserved to splurge. All the bad foods were at a dinner out and it was delicious. I didn't even feel bad about what I ate because I made those choices in the right spirit. The second day was because I didn't have a choice. I was attending a daylong function for work in which breakfast and lunch were provided for the group. The only truly healthy food offered all day was the fruit at breakfast. Not only did I eat the wrong foods that day, I ate too much of them. Finally, the third day was the most disappointing. I ate poorly because I let my guard down. I didn't plan my eating well that day and by 9 p.m. I was starving ... so I stopped at Taco Bell.

Now, this new week (which starts on Fridays for weigh-in purposes) isn't off to a very good start either. We had a bake sale at work to raise money for the United Way. I should have eaten one sweet treat and given the rest away. Instead, I had about eight things Friday. Then, because it had been an emotionally draining day at work, I had pizza for dinner. I'd been thinking about pizza for days. I finally went off the deep end and got one. I didn't eat the whole thing, but I came close. (And, if I'm honest, I'll probably end up eating the leftovers today.)

So, once again, I let stress and emotion keep me from achieving my goal this past week. And it's becoming clear that the number on the scale is slowing creeping up. I must figure out a way to stop it before it's too late.

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