Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sugar rush!

I've blogged about the evils of sugar before, but I'm reminded today just how bad sugar is for me. Generally speaking, I've been eating healthy for a week now. I've had a few splurges (including a bit of wine), but I've stayed away from junk food and sugary snacks. Today, I found myself (almost uncontrollably) eating from the office candy far. Before I could stop myself, I'd had two mini candy bars, a handful of lemonheads and a piece of laffy taffy.

I ate these things after I'd already eaten a healthy breakfast and a filling lunch, so there was no way I was hungry. I honestly don't know why I had such an urge for sugar in that one moment. If I'd had more mini candy bars in front of me, I wouldn't have been able to stop.

Now, an hour later, my head is buzzing and I feel a little shaky. So I'm eating fresh fruit and a few slices of lean deli turkey on a rice cake. My blood sugar is clearly spiking, which is making me want to eat more sugar. If I eat more sugar, I'll gain weight and I'll feel terrible.

So why do I eat it? I really wish I understood the urge better. One day last week, the food counter was littered with cupcakes, cookies and doughnuts and I managed to resist them all. But, for no good reason today, I inhaled five pieces of candy in just a few minutes.

I can't explain it, so I guess all I can do is try not to make a habit of it. And I know I can't let the guilt get to me, but that's easier said than done.

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