Saturday, October 19, 2013

Weekly weigh-in: Pesky pitfalls

Last week's weight: 184.6
This week's weight: 184.2
Difference: -0.4
Total weight lost since January 2010: 87.6

Obviously, I lost a little this week. But I'm really just hovering around the same number I've been at for more than a year. I hate that I've gained back about 13 pounds overall and I know I could be doing better.

This past week, I did fairly well with my regular meals. It was the snacking in between and the mini candy bars that weren't so good. The worst was the day that I was at work and actually made a special trip to the store just to buy candy. Then, of course, I proceeded to eat far too much of it. I was having a bad day and I simply couldn't stop myself.

And I've barely exercised in the past two weeks. So I feel guilty about that. I used the rainy weather as an excuse, but there really is no excuse.

One bright spot, yesterday started a new weight-loss week and despite feeling a bit a depressed and stressed, I kept my eating under control. And now I'm headed to the annual Heart Walk, which I started the year my dad died from a heart attack. Maybe this will give me a chance to reflect on how much progress I've made and the fact that I'm doing this to be healthier.

I may have faced a few setbacks during this journey, but I am much healthier than I was four years ago. For that, I'm grateful.

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