Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A bad day

I've been on track since last Friday and I felt like I was seeing progress. Then, today happened. I ate light Monday, knowing that today might be a splurge day. I was in a daylong training session at work and lunch was provided.

Having to eat what's provided or going to a restaurant has proven to be a real challenge for me. Today's downfall was Quizno's. All of the sandwiches had cheese and mayo. I knew when I was making my selection that I should have opted for one small sandwich, but I couldn't stop with just one. They were delicious. I did stick with turkey and baked chips, but the cheese and mayo put me over the top.

To top it off, the afternoon proved to be more stress than I could handle. After dinner, I ended up eating two snacks. Sure, I stuck with lowfat Kashi cereal and a Weight Watchers frozen latte bar. But all in all, it wasn't a good day and once again I fell victim to my emotions. The only good news is that I did make smarter food choices.

1 comment:

  1. Take it from the girl who makes really bad food choices when she's upset/stressed: YOU MADE GREAT CHOICES. I wouldn't feel bad about them at all. You did great. The two snacks you ate were perfect. Two is not bad. Five, perhaps, but not two.
