Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dealing with stress

I don't have a lot to say so far this week about my weight-loss efforts. I've been on track every day, but somehow the scale says I've gained almost 2 pounds. All I can do is hope to see a different number on Friday.

So I've decided to weigh in on a different subject today. I found myself thinking today about one of the best days I can remember. It was about 14 years ago. I had just graduated from college and was preparing to move to a small town in Virginia because that's where I was hired as a reporter.

I ended up spending hours walking in the park with a good friend. I don't remember what we talked about, but I do remember how simple and easy life seemed. We didn't stay friends, but to this day I remember certain pieces of advice he gave me -- most of it having to do with choosing a path in life that makes you happy.

Whenever I get particularly stressed, I tend to think about that day. I want to recapure the way I felt -- comfortable and happy. As I've gotten older and had more and more life experiences, I truly miss the hours we spent back then talking about our hopes and dreams.

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