Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a good feeling

I'm not sure why I picked today ... but I ended up trying on a bunch of old clothes. All of a sudden this afternoon, I just started pulling things off the hanger in my closet. I found several dresses that I haven't worn in at least five years. They fit now. It was so exciting and made me feel so good.

One dress, in particular, used to be a favorite. I don't even remember when or why I stopped wearing it. But I know it stopped fitting a long time ago. The fact that it fit made me so happy. I can't wait to wear it.

On a related note, I went shopping for new clothes today. I bought a sleeveless shirt in a size smaller than what I was wearing just a few months ago. I also bought a shirt that was a little too small, but it was on sale. Now, my goal is to lose enough wait in the next month or so to make it fit. I loved the shirt and it was on sale. Is that strange?

Really, though, I love that old clothes are starting to fit and I'm seeing a difference in the size I wear. It feels good.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so proud! That will be the biggest motivation and pull for you. You're unstoppable now!
