Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can I really do this?

I can't even believe I'm considering it, but a friend has suggested that I walk in the Battleship 5K in November. I say walk because I definitely don't see me running ... at least not the entire distance. There was a time when walking a block downtown seemed impossible and I tried to avoid it. But today I nearly sprinted out of the newsroom because there was breaking news taking place about a block from the office and I wanted to see it for myself. I felt exhilarated.

Can I complete a 5K? I don't know. It scares me to death to even think about it. But it's also exciting. Imagine how amazing I'd feel if I did it. Sure, I'd have to start out walking. But could I be a runner eventually? I've never had a desire to be. Aside from tennis, I've never participated in any sort of athletic activity. But there's something about the idea of walking/running that is starting to appeal to me. Maybe it's because my friend Diana D'Abruzzo writes about it all the time on her blog. She makes it seem like such a rewarding experience. Plus, it seems like the sort of thing that would help me clear my mind.

So if I decide to do it, where do I start? I'm a creature of habit and breaking my old routines hasn't been easy. I just need the right motivation. Any suggestions?


  1. DO IT!!!!!! Baby steps at first, faster walking and the occassional jog. If I'm not working I could even try to make it down to do it with you if you want.

  2. Sherry, the Historic Wilmington people do a 5k in September in the evening (6:30) where people can register as a team. Dan, Rachel, Sam Neil and I did it a couple years back and it's a good time with pizza and beer afterwards, much less bonkers than the Battleship 5k. Anyway, could be a great opportunity to revive team StarNews in preparation for the Battleship. Been way too long since I ran one anyways...
