Thursday, July 15, 2010

The final weigh-in ... sort of

We had the final weigh-in today for our Biggest Loser challenge at work, and it went well. Another 2 pounds lost, bringing me to a grand total of 51.6 pounds since January.

This challenge, however, began in April. I don't know exactly how many pounds I lost this time around (it was the second round since the beginning of the year), but it amounted to about 9 percent of my total body weight. Apparently, that was enough to give me a victory. There were about a dozen people participating this time. I can't believe I won!

Now I'm really going to have to come up with a spectacular reward. In fact, I've decided to pick five rewards -- one for each 10 pounds lost. I'm still thinking about my choices, but I plan to share the list by the end of the weekend. I'm still taking ideas, so feel free to make suggestions.

Of course, for me, the challenge hasn't ended. I've been reluctant to set a new goal, but I'm going to do that by the end of the weekend as well. It's good to have goals, but I also know that I must set incremental goals. One big goal is too overwhelming.

So my weigh-ins will continue every Friday and so too will this blog about my weight-loss journey.

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