Saturday, July 31, 2010

Walking The Loop

A couple of weeks ago, when I hit the 50 pounds lost mark, I decided that one of my rewards was going to be walking The Loop at Wrightsville Beach by the end of August. For those who don't know, it's a 2.45 mile path around the center of the island. Ever since I moved to Wilmington more than 11 years ago, I've wanted to do it. But I never tried ... until today.

My heart was pounding before I even started walking because my anxiety level was high. I parked near the entrance to town hall and headed toward Lumina Avenue. Four minutes in, my legs were hurting and I stopped to catch my breath. I almost turned around.

But I'm not a quitter.

I kept going. The slight incline over the Causeway Drive bridge was not fun. When I hit Lumina Avenue, though, it seemed to get easier. There were lots of people out and about, which gave me something to focus on other than how much my ankles were hurting. I got to Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier and felt a sense of excitement. That seemed like the halfway point (although I have no idea if that's really true). By the time I got to the Salisbury Street bridge, the sun was getting hot. My face was really red and several muscles were aching, including ones in my back and arms. (I didn't anticipate that.)

But there was no turning back at this point.

I got a little light headed near the pretty stretch of marsh/water. Luckily, there was a bench. I didn't want to stop, but I also figured passing out on the sidewalk probably wouldn't be a good thing. So I took a break. Just a couple of minutes. When I started walking again, I could see the back entrance to town hall. I seriously debated cutting through the parking lot, which would have put me near my car.

But I was so close to completing my goal. And I'm not a quitter.

So I finished the entire Loop. It took me 52 minutes and two short breaks. But it felt amazing. I can't believe I did it. I wasn't sure if I was going to admit this, but I've been pretty open and honest so far about my feelings -- I actually started crying while driving home. Once again, this is a big physical hurdle, but it's an even bigger mental accomplishment. And the truth is now that I'm home, nothing aches. Sure, my body knows it walked 2.45 miles today. But I feel great. I can't wait to do it again ... maybe in a few days.


  1. AWESOME!!! You are doing so much. I officially declare it the Summer of Sherry.

  2. Thanks, Burke and Diana. The Summer of Sherry sounds like a great idea.

  3. You rock! I love that loop and your first lap makes it even more memorable.

  4. Oh Sherry, I am so proud of you! I like the idea of the Summer of Sherry as well. Can't wait to get back to Wilmington and talk to you about your new world.
