Thursday, July 22, 2010

No worries

I write one blog post about feeling very emotional about a big change in my life and several people I know seemed to misunderstand. Suggestions included seeking professional help or anti-anxiety medication. Really? That's not necessary. I'm fine.

Yes. For a brief moment yesterday, I was really upset. I cried. I was sad. But there was no need for concern. Just because I don't display emotion often, it doesn't mean I don't feel things. By this morning, I had moved to acceptance. And, in fact, I've come to understand the situation much better in the past 24 hours.

I couldn't give a lot of details yesterday, but it's well known now what's going on. A colleague I respect and admire is leaving. It caught me off guard even though I apparently sensed the person was getting antsy. But I get it. For a brief moment, it was about me. But it's not. This person has a desire to do something different. I respect that. I think I even admire it. It scares me because I'm not that way. But I've had a very good conversation with this person now and I'm 100 percent supportive. Again, I get it.

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