Sunday, June 26, 2011

Food, food, everywhere food

When I woke up this morning, I realized that now I'm even dreaming about food. Last night's dream wasn't really about food, but food was a big part of the dream. BTW, my dreams tend to be really boring and pretty easy to analyze. I'm going to share it anyway.

I was walking downtown, headed for lunch. I ran into two friends (one who no longer even lives in Wilmington) and decided to join them. They took me to this hole in the wall (which was really just someone's apartment). Although the people were from India, the food was all seafood. Anyway, they had all of the choices spread out on the table. I selected shrimp salad and a crabcake. The server also talked me into marinated beets and some sort of greens. While he was preparing my plate, I headed to the kitchen to talk to my friends. There were Bollywood dancers in the living room.For some reason, a lot of time elapsed. I headed back to the dining room and asked for my food to go. I paid and left.

OK. I warned you that my dream was pretty boring. What's interesting to me is that it involved food. I spend so much time thinking about food that I guess it's no surprise. I really do try to plan everything I'm going to eat and when I'm going to eat it. I've found that it helps me make the right choices. What's also interesting about the dream is that the two friends in it are at least partly responsible for getting me to be more social and try new things.

So if I was analyzing the dream, I'd say it was telling me that I'm feeling caught between the part of me that needs to plan everything in my life and have order all the time and the part of me that has come to like being more adventurous and spontaneous.

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