Friday, June 10, 2011

Weekly weigh-in: Tackling tumultuous times

Last week's weight: 185.8
This week's weight: 188.6
Difference:  +2.8
Total weight lost: 83.2

Clearly, it was a tough week, but I'm really not too concerned about gaining a little. As most of you know, my father passed away last week. In fact, I didn't officially weigh-in on Friday because I was out of town for his funeral. For last week's weight, I'm using what I weighed the last time I weighed before going out of town.

Anyway, under the circumstances, I'm not at all surprised to have gained. Although I tried not to overdo it, I did indulge. While I was with my family, the food choices were not very good for me. People brought so much stuff, including pastas, fried chicken, brownies, pastries, etc. And, yes, I ate some of just about everything.

What I'm proud of, though, is that during an extremely stressful and emotional time, I didn't ever overeat. For example, I ate a small brownie every day for four days. But I could have eaten the whole pan on the first day. I ate Chinese food, but I didn't get the worst items on the menu. You get the picture.

My less-than-stellar eating habits have continued throughout this week, but I'm OK with my choices. I've considered everything I've eaten and made the choice to eat it. I knew I might gain a little. So what? I think I have adopted a healthy lifestyle. Like just about anyone, I overeat during times of stress, but I don't eat to excess.

I truly believe I will be right back on track tomorrow. I gave myself a little leeway because I felt like that's what I needed to get through a difficult time in my life. But now it's time to regroup. And, the most interesting part is that while I like the taste of all the bad foods, they actually don't make me feel very good. The sugar makes me sluggish and irritable and the fried foods just sit in my stomach like an icky blob.

I believe that getting through the past 10 days without simply stuffing my face every day is a sign that I have made changes that will last me a lifetime. And, for that, I'm thankful and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're doing OK after a long hard week. I hope you'll get to have your vacation soon, too. Have a nice quiet weekend!

