Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thinking about my dad

I've spent quite a bit of time so far today (Father's Day) thinking about my dad. I had a lot of things in my head that I thought I wanted to say in this post, but when I sat down to start typing, I couldn't find the right words.

As you know, my dad passed away just a couple of weeks ago. I worried that today would be a sad one, but so far I've found that it's nice to take time to think about my dad. Honestly, I've been so busy with work lately that I haven't done that much. And when I have, my thoughts have been focused on handling his estate or my brother or my grandma.

Today, my thoughts are focused on what a good person my dad was. No, he wasn't perfect. But he did a lot of good things for a lot of people and I know they miss him. Plus, I know my dad would think it was ridiculous for me to waste any energy being sad. He would tell me not to worry about him and to live my life doing things that make me happy.

So that's my advice to everyone.

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