Sunday, June 26, 2011

Snack attack

I can't stop eating today. I'm not even hungry, but I keep snacking. So, of course, I started trying to figure out what's causing it.

On one hand, I think it's because I'm bored. For the second weekend in a row, I've basically locked myself in my house (except for going to the grocery store). I've done this because I felt like I needed peace and quiet and that it was the only way for me to really relax.

Today, though, I haven't felt very relaxed. Instead, I feel anxious. Yesterday, I did a very good job of putting everything out of my mind. I cleaned the house, read a book, cooked dinner and watched movies. My eye didn't twitch once yesterday. But today is a different story. The eye twitching has returned and I feel like I'm a bundle of nerves.

So my eating is clearly emotional. That really is the hardest part about losing weight. I eat for comfort. It's a terrible habit and I really don't know how to break it. Sure, the obvious answer is to find other means of dealing with my emotions. I'm trying, but it doesn't always work.

The good news, if there is any, is that all of my snacks haven't been too bad for me. I really don't keep "bad" food in the house. But even eating lots of lowfat snacks will cause me to gain weight. (And I'm this close to getting in the car and going to the store to buy Cheese Doodles.) Then I get stressed about it because I'm making a trip to Richmond next weekend, which inevitably means overdoing it. While I'm home, I'm planning a side trip to my mom's camper at the river. Again, I will certainly overeat.

It's a vicious cycle. I try to spend time alone so I can relax. But then I start to think too much and I get bored with myself, so I eat. Then I get stressed about how much I'm eating. Ugh!

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