Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Can I quote you on that?

Since I was just lamenting this weekend about things people say that make me feel bad about myself, I thought I should give the positive feedback a little attention. Twice at work today people made comments in passing that really made me feel good about where I'm at in my life right now.

One person commented on how good I looked today. That meant a lot because I was wearing a new outfit. Nothing fancy, just capri pants and a shirt. But I felt good because the clothes fit and they made me feel smaller. And it was really nice that someone noticed. The other person was just walking by me in the newsroom and said I seemed really happy. My reply: "I am! One more day until vacation."

But then I got to thinking. Despite a few struggles here and there, I am happy. I get down in the dumps sometimes, but it doesn't usually last very long. And most of that happens when I have too much time on my hands. As long as I stay busy, I'm happy.

Anyway, I hope my friends don't mind being quoted on my blog. At least I did it anonymously. It just nice to get attention for how hard I'm working at losing weight and at finding happiness. So to those people, I say thank you. You made my day!

1 comment:

  1. Jenni Harris says: You ROCK, girlie!! Keep it going!!
