Thursday, August 5, 2010

Flirting with the fine line between determination and obsession

I've noticed this week that I've become focused on certain things. As it relates to this blog, walking is one of those things. But there are others at work (and my colleagues will know exactly what I'm talking about).

On one hand, I feel like I'm determined. With walking, for example, I'm determined to make physical activity a regular part of my life. I've been going every morning since last Saturday. It isn't always easy, but every step I take makes me feel stronger and healthier. On the other hand, though, I'm wondering if I've become a bit obsessed. I think about it all the time, especially what songs I will listen to and how far I will walk.

I bring this up mostly because I'm noticing the same pattern with things at work. There are only a handful total, but I seem more focused and determined than ever before.

Ultimately, I'm wondering if all of this is about control. There are so many things happening in my life that I can't control that obsessing about those I can gives me purpose. I guess, for now, I'll try to force myself to think about my choices and to personally monitor my "obsessions."

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