Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tested by distractions

I can't believe I haven't blogged since last week. It's mostly because I've been so distracted with all sorts of things. Let's just say life has gotten in the way of my blogging. Luckily, though, it has not gotten in the way of my eating habits.

The past five days have been a real test of whether I can maintain my new lifestyle because I have barely spent a minute thinking about food and losing weight. For so long, it's been on the top of my mind. As I've said before, I was even starting to think I might be a little obsessed with it. I worried that if I didn't plan every meal, restaurant outing, etc. that I would get off track. But this week has been different. I've had so many other things distracting my brain. And I've still made good choices. Clearly, eating better is just a way of life for me now.

I also took what I consider to be another big step in my journey -- I wore a dress, and it was short and sleeveless. I've mentioned before that showing my arms and legs feels so strange because I've hidden them for so long. But the dress (which is new) was so cute and comfortable. It made me feel so good about myself.

Finally, one other positive note (I think) ... I committed to a friend that if we both lose 50 pounds, we will take a cruise next year. A cruise does sound like a lot of fun, but the thought of what it's going to take for me to lose 50 more pounds is daunting. Plus, I've resisted setting a final goal because smaller goals have worked well for me. But I have to admit that 50 more pounds would basically put me exactly where I want to be. It's scary, but the challenge is out there now. There's no turning back.

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