Friday, August 6, 2010

Weekly weigh-in and a day of rest

This morning's weigh-in was disappointing. I gained a half a pound this week. How is that possible? Isn't physical activity supposed to help me lose weight? I walked six mornings in a row. I didn't eat or drink anything out of the ordinary this week. So I'm baffled. And frustrated.

Even before I got on the scale this morning, I had decided I needed a day of rest. No walking. Physically, I felt up to it. But mentally, I just couldn't make myself get out of the bed. I'm still hoping to tackle The Loop at Wrightsville Beach again tomorrow morning, though.

I'm going to try not to dwell on my weight gain this week because I should be happy that this is only the third time in the past seven months that I've gained weight during a given week. I know it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. And I'm sure I'll lose weight next week.


  1. If you added any amount of muscle, that weighs more than fat and will show up on the scale. It's a good thing, plus you will lose more weight (it adds to a faster metabolism) and have good muscle tone! It's all part of the process....

  2. I know. I know. Thanks again for the encouragement.
