Sunday, August 22, 2010

What I like about you

While I was walking this morning, I spent almost the whole time thinking about my most favorite people and what I like about them. It was an interesting list, so here goes.

1. Sarcastic. You have to be able to dish it and take it. I've pretty much been a smartass my whole life, so I really appreciate that quality in others. Nothing makes me smile more than a good comeback given or received.

2. Quirky. We've all got our issues and eccentricities. I think those are the traits that make us interesting.

3. Self-aware. My favorite people definitely know who they are and are aware of their faults.

4. Competitive. Some people can be a little too extreme, but competition definitely makes things more fun. And, yes, I do try to understand that I can't always win. But it sure is fun trying.

5. Loyal. I've never met anyone who isn't judgmental in some way, but I also know a lot of people who are accepting of others. We all make stupid choices sometimes, but I think it's important to try to understand why people do what they do. And true friends support you no matter what.

What traits do you value most in your friends?

1 comment:

  1. Honesty, humor and will always push for a second or third glass of wine.
