Monday, September 13, 2010

All good things must come to an end ...

... or at least go on hiatus. I'm officially declaring an end to the "Summer of Sherry." For those who don't remember, a couple of months ago, a friend declared it the "Summer of Sherry" because I was having so much fun and doing unexpected things. I'm not entirely sure I lived up to the designation, so the "Summer of Sherry" is on hiatus. I think I can do even better ... next year.

Still, I did have a lot of fun. Ask anyone who knows me. I definitely stepped outside of my shell in many ways. Yes, I might still have room for improvement. But I have been far more outgoing and extroverted in the past few months than I have been in several years. I've said it before, though. The new me is really the old me. I went through a period of years where I didn't want to be around people. But I'm different now -- more like I used to be.

Anyway, this summer has meant a lot to me. I've discovered just how much certain people mean to me. And I've allowed myself to trust people more. I've taken chances. I've had far more happy moments than sad. And I'm well on my way to discovering the things that truly make me happy. I might not be exactly where I want to be, but I am making progress. So I'm going to keep working on building relationships and maybe next summer will truly be the "Summer of Sherry."

1 comment:

  1. Glad the Summer of Sherry was a success. Here's to the New Old You!!!
