Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fear and feelings

Regretting my last post a little this morning -- mostly because it's actually so hard for me to share my feelings. That's really why I started the blog in the first place. As I was losing weight, I realized that the journey included a lot of emotional changes. I needed an outlet for expressing them. I'm still not sure the blog was the right venue.

Even though I often think what I'm saying makes me sound crazy, most people actually tell me how much they understand. I've been surprised that people are reading it, and many people have been very supportive.What's interesting to me is that blogging helps me organize my thoughts and sometimes get past whatever I'm feeling. And, obviously, my blogging has become more personal.

Sharing about myself is a huge part of this process. I've never been good at it, because that involves trusting people. I fear that people will use my feelings to hurt me. Yes, it's happened before. So, just like with every pound I lose, I consider every revelation about myself to be another step in the right direction.

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