Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Embracing my inner animal

I got asked a couple of weeks ago what animal I would want to be and I was reminded of the question in a weird way today. The first thing that came to mind was a turtle. Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes, people think I don't have a lot of patience. That's not exactly true. For example, losing weight takes a lot of patience. It's not easy. There are ups and downs. Some weeks, I do really well. Other weeks, I don't. It would be easy to give up. But I won't. Once I'm committed to something, I'm in. There's no turning back. I'm pretty much that way about everything in my life.

I think I'd want to be a turtle because they seem to be calm creatures. Never in a hurry. Never flustered. I want to be that way. Plus, they have a protective shell they can collapse into when they are afraid. I think that would be pretty cool. I'd love it if I could just recoil every time I want people to stop talking to me or I'm scared of something. Funny, some people would probably say that's exactly what I do. I just don't have an actual shell. I'm nothing if I'm not self aware.

What kind of animal do you think I would be? (Be nice.) And what animal would you be and why?

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