Saturday, November 13, 2010

Be it resolved ... no more whining!

I slept great last night and woke up feeling much better. So I am resolving to quit my whining and complaining. And to simply get back on track. I don't like the way I've been feeling the past few days, so I'm just not going to feel that way. I like when I'm happy, so I'm only going to do things today that make me happy. I'm starting with a hearty, but healthy, breakfast -- a cheese omelet and sweet potato pancakes. And then we'll see where the day leads.

You're probably tired of hearing this by now, but I know that a big part of my weight loss journey is about changing the way I think and how I view food. I had a setback this week. That's OK. It was bound to happen sooner or later. It's been almost a year. Can you believe that? I've faced struggles throughout this process, but none as bad as this week. I don't even really know what caused this week's crash. I'd like to figure it out so I can avoid the trigger in the future, but I don't want to dwell on it too much. I think it's more important at this point to move on.

As usual, I am thankful for all of the support I've gotten from friends this week. So many people have offered encouragement and advice on how to get through this bad patch. Well, now I'm listening. I am proud of what I've accomplished so far and I know I am in control of this journey. I also know that I will achieve my goals. No more self-loathing ... at least not today!

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